Setting Sail: Protect Your Yacht Against 21st-Century Pirates

Picture this: you’re sailing in the open sea with your loved ones and enjoying your yacht, the waves, and the breeze when suddenly some strangers pull up alongside you and attempt to take over your vessel. This might sound like a movie plot; however, piracy is still a threat to boats even in the 21st century. Like any asset, yachts may be targeted by pirates for a variety of reasons, including obtaining valuable goods or even ransom. In this blog, we will discuss five essential ways to protect your yacht against 21st-century pirates.

Deep Blue Sea Training Palma

Keep a Low Profile

When it comes to preventing piracy, the element of surprise is your greatest weapon. Try to avoid drawing attention to your yacht by reducing its visibility and sound. Turn off the sound system and keep lights low when sailing at night. Make sure everyone stays inside and doesn’t show themselves to outsiders. If possible, avoid anchoring in busy areas, and instead, anchor in isolated spots where there is less traffic.

Install an Anti-Piracy System

A well-designed anti-piracy system can help protect you from pirates. There are various security systems available today, such as motion sensors, cameras, and alarms. Having these systems in place will provide an early warning system for potential pirates, giving you time to secure your yacht, call for help, and escape. Installing an anti-piracy system is an investment that can save you and your vessel in the long run.

Crew Training

Ensure that everyone onboard your yacht is aware of piracy threats and possible responses. Teach them basic security procedures, such as how to use the radio and how to anchor securely. Make sure you rehearse emergency procedures with your crew, including how to contact maritime authorities and your insurance company when needed. Having everyone onboard trained and ready helps keep the entire crew calm and avoid panic during an attack.

Armed Security

Having armed security personnel onboard is an extreme measure and not common. However, it is critical in high-risk areas such as the coast of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden. In these waters, pirates routinely board and take-over vessels for ransom. Armed security personnel serve as a deterrent rather than using actual weapons. Nevertheless, in an emergency, they can provide an additional layer of protection and deter pirates from attacking your yacht.

Stay Informed

Keep yourself aware of piracy risk areas and any recent activity by visiting websites such as the International Chamber of Commerce’s Commercial Crime Services (ICC-CCS) and the Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa (MSCHOA). The websites provide up-to-date news on the latest developments and offer suggestions on protecting your yacht while sailing in troubled waters. Knowing risks and keeping up to date allows you to take preventative action ahead of time and increase situational awareness.


In conclusion, piracy is an issue in many parts of the world’s seas, however, it’s not something that you should be scared of. When sailing in areas of piracy risks, it is crucial to take essential safety measures to protect your yacht and your crew. Be attentive, stay informed, keep a low profile, train your crew, and invest in anti-piracy systems. By following these tips, you will substantially lower your yachts’ odds of being targeted by pirates and ensure everyone’s safety onboard and safe return home.